Post you thoughts about the student, the video, and the teacher and her role. Can a Librarian play the role depicted in the video?
The learning opportunities are so cool. I am sorry that I cannot be more eloquent! In using technology in the classroom here are some "glitches" that I see.
The student--It is difficult to manage classroom time with technology. I teach middle school and it requires close monitoring to make sure that they are on the appropriate websites, etc. Some of the things describe would possibly have to be done at home. There are still many students who lack access to technology because of financial reasons. So many times we are accused of teaching a mile wide and an inch deep. This allows so much depth of a topic! Even with the challenges there are so many benefits. Not to mention teaching our kiddos to problem solve!
The teacher and the librarian--Monitor and planning. They continue to ask us to do more and more every year. Every time the administrators say it will only take just a few more minutes of your time. There is a point where there just is no more time. But here is a time where front loading on your work is going to make a difference. The teacher and the librarian would be working together and to guild students on this new use of information.
For instance, I teach middle school. So the librarian can help us get together websites that the kids should visit first. Can the librarian fulfill the roll in the video? My opinion is yes and no. I think that the librarian is a fabulous guide or "network sherpa." But, considering the amount of students that a librarian has to service, I think that it would be difficult.
But, of course, librarians can do anything!
I agree with your comment about needing to be on top of middle school students. I teach that age group as well, and they need constant monitoring. Maybe HALF of your students can complete a task on the computer without getting themselves in trouble. It is a full-time job in itself during class. Good post!
Thanks Dana! Even if the assignment is within their ability level and they are interested in the subject matter, you still have to be on them constantly! :)
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