Sunday, August 8, 2010

Thing 8

You may notice that a few of my posts are out of order. To be honest, sometimes i just didn't feel like doing that particular thing at that time, or I wasnted to think about my post a bit before I published it. The reason that this is almost the last post is becuase I had so much trouble with this.

ScreenCastle would not work at all.

Even after installing and uninstalling Jing several times everytime I tried to open it, a window would pop up and say that the program had encountered a problem.

I did get CamStudio to work but I didn't like it, I found it hard to edit the video.

Screencast-o-Matic wouldn't work either, it asked if I was having a about Java Script errors.

Freescreencast encountered a problem (several times) and had to shut down.

This was not a one day thing.

Wink also had errors. I finally recorded in GoView. Here is the link:

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